
Please consider joining or renewing your ASC membership to help us continue to offer high-caliber arts, science, and theater programming to our community, across our ARTx3 Campus!

sponsorship opportunities

Exhibition Support

Eviction Quilts by James Matthews was on view in the William H. Kennedy, Jr. Gallery from June 27 - Sept 27, 2019. The exhibition was sponsored by Relyance Bank and the Arkansas Arts Council.

Works by Catherine Burns and Scinthya Edwards for the exhibition Reunion were on display in the International Paper Gallery from February 6 to April 18, 2020. The exhibition was sponsored by the Arkansas Arts Council and Relyance Bank.

Curator Chaney Jewell leads a Dollarway High School tour group through the exhibition From the Vault: Works from the Permanent Collection in the Ben J. Altheimer Gallery, in March 2020. The exhibition was sponsored by the Kline Family Foundation.

The Arts & Science Center’s The ARTSpace on Main, provides even more opportunities and space for exhibitions, including the second-floor event and gallery area.


The HEART of the ASC

The Arts & Science Center hosts exhibitions featuring guest artists and selections from an impressive Permanent Collection. The 1,455 artworks focus on contemporary Arkansas artists, artists of the Delta, and African American artists. ASC is the only museum within the state that specifically focuses on the aforementioned areas.

ASC hosts approximately 10-12 exhibitions a year in three galleries in its main building; with the addition of The ARTSpace on Main, ASC now offers even more opportunities for showcasing art.

The Arts & Science Center offers diversity in access as the exhibitions are viewable not only in person, but through virtual exhibitions on ASC’s website. ASC also offers traveling exhibitions to organizations, including Heritage Detectives and the Women of the Arkansas Delta photography exhibition.


Our exhibitions aim to engage the audience through diversity of artist, medium and subject matter. We create direct connections between our exhibitions and community outreach events and programs such as:

ASC’s gallery admission is always free, and the majority of exhibition programming and events are also free.

Exhibition funds allow local artists to engage in their greater community, while also aiding ASC in the care of the Permanent Collection.


ASC now offers two ways for patrons and organizations to directly support ASC’s exhibitions and collections: The Exhibition Support Fund and Individual Exhibition Sponsorships.

Be a part of The Arts & Science Center’s new ARTx3 community engagement initiative, which aims to empower our youth through the arts, support the revitalization of downtown Pine Bluff, bolster the creative economy, and bring positive attention to our city. ASC will continue to work hard to prove worthy of your investment in the museum and our projects.



Help Around the Office

We always need help around the office—putting on labels, answering phones, you name it!

Have Fun with Kids
Enjoy working with kids and community? We need you to help with our special family friendly events.

Work Backstage!
Is theater something you've always wanted to be involved in? Come learn about acting and stage from behind the scenes!

Special Events!
Do you love music? Live@5 needs you for setup and take down. Art exhibits? We need help with reception and reception planning.

Join Art Krewe!
Do you like to cook and entertain? Then the Art Krewe is the place for you! Join the Center's reception volunteer group, and we will put you to work.

Complete the Volunteer Application

Become a Member Today!

Immerse yourself in the art you adore with enhanced privileges, special events,and fresh avenues for networking.


$35 / year
$35 tax-deductible

Enjoy Unlimited Access to the Museum. Unlock Free Admission and Delight in Extraordinary Art Year-Round!

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$50 / year
$50 tax-deductible

Experience More: Enjoy Free Daily Admission, Exclusive Member Hours, and Captivating Digital Content.

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$125 / year
$125 tax-deductible

Share Your Passion for Art: Gather Loved Ones and Connect with Fellow Art Enthusiasts During Exclusive Celebratory Events.

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Patron Program

Ignite Your Artistic Passion: Embark on Unique Experiences and Make a Meaningful Impact by Supporting ARTx3's Mission.